I was born in Bulgaria, I hold a German passport, I studied in Italy, and I found a home and a permanent job in the Netherlands with the help of some Belgian friends. I asked a friend whether I qualify as restless but he said no, you’ve just been around.
I somehow managed three careers. In Bulgaria, it was mostly about teaching, surveys, election forecasts, and sociopolitical research. In Germany, I was split between causality research and computerised adaptive testing. In Belgium and the Netherlands, I switched to psychometric research and educational testing.
My scholarly publications can be found on Google Scholar and ResearchGate. Here I mention work that was not necessarily published but may be relevant to those who might wish to consult me.
- Statistical support for a survey of individual modernity in Bulgaria supervised by Prof. Alex Inkeles
- Numerous surveys of public opinion in Bulgaria, especially in the period between the collapse of the communist regime and the first free elections (book in Bulgarian)
- Sampling and analysis of numerous parallel vote tabulations in Bulgaria, Albania, Romania, Serbia, and Croatia with the National Democratic Institute, Washington DC
- A sampling survey to estimate the number of TV sets using the SECAM system (Bulgarian Posts)
- Data management, sampling weights, and variance estimation for the European Survey of Language Competencies
- Sampling weights for the TERCE Study (UNESCO)
- Sampling, sampling weights, and variance estimation for the National Reference Test, UK
- Co-author of the R package dexter and maintainer of packages irtoys and irtrees